Okay peoples.
I haven't reviewed any of the last 3 episodes, I know. IN MY DEFENSE. .I'm busy. Yes, I know, that's lame. But I am. I'm considering shutting this down. .until the end of October :P At the moment, I have an abortion paper to edit and prepare for a presentation next month, a video presentation to work on, and a story to finish edit. Not to mention housework and school. That, and the fact that I'm very sick.
BUT TO BE NICE. I shall hastily rush through reviewing the episode. .not that many of you even care that I do/do not review them, anyways xD
Okay. I listened to Episode 1 when it came out. .and the last 2 today. And to sum them all up, they're totally awesome. Why? IT TAKES PLACE IN FREAKING LONDON, FOLKS. That's ENGLAND. HOME OF DOCTOR WHO! *dies* Every time I watch a Dr. Who episode, I feel compelled to walk around the house talking in a British accent. AND WE HAD FISH AND CHIPS! *dies again* FISH AND CHIPS! Ahem.
So besides it being in England. .we have Jason! And no Penny/Wooton/Whit/Eugene/Connie! Seriously, they've become the major characters of the show, and it's quite annoying. It was nice to have only Jason, and a brand new host of memorable characters: Sew, Agent Billings, Mycroft, Mr. Grote, and all the others. And of course, we can't forget Dale and Ann.
Let's talk about Dale and Ann really quickly. To be frank, I disliked Ann for the most part. She sounded far too young to be Dale's wife, more like his daughter. Also, she seemed to be that. .comical character. Seriously, AIO? Seriously? Wooton's enough. In the middle of danger, we don't need another Wooton-ripoff! After a dangerous escapade, she's all "OMGSH THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME LETS DO THAT AGAIN ROFL!!" (I exaggerated. A little.) For example, when Dale and Jason had their talk, she interrupts, "I still can't believe Reggie Finger's a real name." Now, I'm like, "QUIET, WOMAN! GO BACK INTO THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME MY SAMMICH."
Now, to the actual adventure itself. Yes, London. Instant epic points. The MI5? More epic points. Awesome accents that sound FAR better than the annoying Jacques? UBER MEGA AWESOME POINTS. So we open up with Agent Billings and. .the other agent *goes to check who it was* ah, yes, Agent Florin are talking. I find it quite nice that we have little back story and jump into the adventure quickly. .with a bunch of weird names. The Grinder? Reggie Fingers? I instantly liked Reggie Fingers because of his sense of. .sarcasm and his weird name. And then we meet Sue. She. .wasn't a character I liked that much, but her wit for such a young age made her. .a dimensional character.
*fast forwards now rapidly*
Jason calls Whit. .but nothing ever came out of that. Interesting. And then we're introduced to Dale and Ann. .and BOY, has it been a long time. I only wished we could have had Melanie and Robyn after all this time. Dale and Sue end up going to the hotel to retrieve the suitcase. .and there's some lying, as expected. We keep dealing with this theme so much that it's almost. .repetitive. That was basically GRC, and now this again. All "the labyrinth". ENOUGH OF IT ALREADY.
Sue fits in a suitcase? Seriously? That's a little. .impossible. I mean, no matter how small. .I don't really think that's possible. And of course, we have a good old fashioned chase. .and we jump into the next episode.
Hmm, we had a previously segment. I like. But it was far too long, peoples :P WE DON'T NEED AN ENTIRE RECAP! Then we see what's in the briefcase. .along with smart remarks from Ann and Sue -_- Nice stuff, though. .and then the Alamo. Most interesting. It was a little predictable that Jason would ask Ann to hide it somewhere that he wouldn't know as that's what they always do =P
Then we had the auction scene, which was quite reminscient to the GRC scene, along with the one with Wooton and Victoria. For once Ann played a useful role and gave Jason some information, so she's better than Wooton, just by that. SORRY, WOOTON. OR NOT. The conversation Jason had with Lord Brownlow was an interesting one, especially after Jason had to untie the poor driver at the end. I immediately felt suspicious of the Lord, and for hopefully obvious reasons. The US President? Niiiice. Now, I was just thinking, because this is fictional and all, how does this relate to real life? I mean, President Obama never went over there. .and nothing like this ever happened, so how far to the edge of fiction does Odyssey push it all?
Up to this point, I wasn't all that impressed with the episodes. .besides the accents :P It still seemed somewhat childish, but it took a turn starting with the toxic chemical spills. SOUND THE ALARM! IT'S TIME! Jason initiates the Alamo, and one of the best scenes (second only to the next-to-last scene of Episode 3) happens right there. The Alamo ended in tragedy. .just like this could. And Jason agrees. I died right then. .and chewed more fingernails. (As I type this, all my fingernails are gone :P I ate them all *coughs*)
And he's off to the hospital, and once more Sue saves the day. .I do wonder what had happened before in the hospital, though. Nothing good though. And then, BOO! Agent Billings! AW YEAH. WE HAVE A SCUFFLE! #winner There was none of this in GRC. .we really need this :P And then we learn all about Koflax. .which reminds me just a little bit about Ruku. Everything starts to fall in place now, and the climax (sort of) begins. Billings leaves, Sue comes up to Jason and tells him she's sorry. Now, in retrospect, I wonder. She said she was sorry, twice here. Could it be that she began to feel guilty when she saw him then and apologized later? *shrugs*
Now for the final scene of this episode! We finally meet *drum roll* MISTERRRRR GRRROOTTEEEEE. And to be frank. .he didn't impress me much :P His first line was okay, but after that. .he was *not* that impressive. His voice just tuned me off. I WILL give him credit because he kept his cool despite everything Jason said--smart cookie, that Jason. And then the conclusion: Use whatever methods you need to get the truth. My goodness. EPIC WIN. This got better and better. .
Okay. That ended up being long. And there's another episode. BUT WORK CALLS. SO! If at least someone says something, I shall try to write the conclusion. I know, it wasn't sarcastic, really. .but I HAVE REASON, OKAY?
To end this all off, here is some of the background music I was listening to while working:
Yes, foreign music. There was Danish, Dutch, and Japanese as well. ENJOY.